- LUCIDITY.COM Transformation!
A long-awaited redesign of our website is now in progress. We'll be adding more research articles, an update on the N2D2, new program announcements and more as the site continues to develop, so stay tuned!
2017 workshop dates will be announced soon.
Excerpts from the February 2014 issue: “Sleep is the Best Meditation.”; Dreaming and Awakening: Hawaii workshop; Lucid Dreaming Induction: The State of the Art 2014; Introducing N2D2: The Next Generation of Lucid Dream Induction Devices.
- EXPERIMENT Comparing Lucid and Non-Lucid Dream Content
Dreamers can contribute to the Institutes research by submitting four dream reports, two lucid and two non-lucid. Please see the experiment page for new instructions.Old News...
- [18 Jan 15] NEW NEWS ABOUT OLD NEWS: you can see that LUCIDITY.COM has been on the web for more than 20 years! That may be why the site looks like it was born in 1994.
- [30 Jul 00] "Varieties of Lucid Dreaming Experience"
A recently published chapter by Stephen LaBerge and Don DeGracia. The meaning of "lucid dreaming." How do lucid dreams relate to "astral projection" and OBEs? Variations in lucid dream initiation and termination, perception, emotion, volition, and action.- [29 Jul 00] Experiments in Lucid Dreaming
TIBETAN DREAM YOGA MEETS WESTERN POWER NAPPING: An experiment investigating sleep posture and nasal laterality (an ancient Yogic technique for influencing states of mind), combined with the extraordinarily powerful napping technique of inducing lucid dreams.[1999] OBEs, Dreams, and REM Sleep Research Article
A scientific research article on Out-of-body experiences, dreams, and REM sleep.- [22 Apr 98] Manuals Available Online
The NovaDreamer and SuperNova Computer Interface manuals are available in html format.- [3 May 97] Volunteers Needed For Laboratory Research
What is happening in your brain when you realize you are dreaming? Volunteers are currently being sought to help answer this question in research at Stanford University. To qualify you should live in or visit the San Francisco bay area and be fairly confident that you could have a lucid dream in the laboratory. Email for details (research) and fill out the Lucidity Institute mailing list form.- [8 Mar 97] The Lucidity Institute Mailing List
Keep up-to-date with lucid dreaming news (web site updates, events, experiments, new product announcements and special offers, etc.) by filling out a short form.
- [9 Nov 96] NL8.1-2: "Introducing the Super NovaDreamer"
by Lynne Levitan. Software and an interface that connects the NovaDreamer to a personal computer, enhancing the functions of the NovaDreamer, making it easier to use, as well as adding new features.
- [25 Oct 96] NL7.3-4 "Prolonging Lucid Dreams"
by Stephen LaBerge. Two techniques effectively prolong lucid dreams, increasing the relative odds of staying in the dreamstate by 30-50 times.
- [14 Jun 96] van Eeden
Frederik van Eeden's 1913 article, "A Study of Dreams" in which the term "lucid" dreaming is first used. Thanks to Lucidity Institute member Blake Wilfong (blake@phoenix.net) for making this classic available.
- [12 May 96] Review Article
"Lucid Dreaming: Psychophysiological Studies of Consciousness during REM Sleep" by Stephen LaBerge. Lucid dreaming physiologically verified. Physiological characteristics of lucid dreaming. Psychophysiological relationships during REM sleep. Implications for research on sleep and cognition. Now complete with figures.
- [2 May 96] NL7.3-4
"Diary From Lucid Dream Camp" by Keelin. The further adventures of an admitted dreamer at the 1995 Consciousness: Dreaming and Waking program at Stanford.
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unless youre dreaming in which case all bets are off.Back to LUCIDITY.COM
Last modified 05-oct-2016
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