Stephen LaBerge will discuss the art and science of lucidity as a special guest of Luis Eduardo Luna during a two week workshop exploring visionary sacred plants of the Amazon. The program is sponsored by the Wasiwaska Research Centre for the Study of Psychointegrator Plants, Visionary Arts and Consciousness, and will include several opportunities for guided personal experience with the shamanic brew ayahuasca, known for producing powerful visionary experiences.
Annecdotal evidence suggests a linkage between the ayahuasca experience and lucid dreaming. Dr LaBerge’s portions of the program will focus on the role of lucidity in conscious states from waking to dreaming, the nature of perception and the construction of the experience of reality, and techniques of attaining and maintaining lucidity in the dream state.
As a group, we hope to better understand the productive connections of Ayahuasca and lucid Dreaming. Dr Luna will lecture on the role of visionary plants in the shamanic practices of the Amazon as well as on current research on the pharmacology and psychological uses of ayahuasca. Ayahuasca sessions, led by Dr Luna and his staff, will be accompanied by Holotropic Breathwork Sessions led by certified facilitator Ivania Hassler.
Luis Eduardo Luna, Ph.D., founder of Wasiwaska, a scholar of anthropology and religion, is a world-renowned expert on ayahuasca and Amazonian shamanic practices. He has been leading workshops employing the sacred vine for psychointegrative purposes for many years.
The seminar site is a comfortable, modern lodge in Manaus, by the Ariau River surrounded by rainforest. Rooms have private baths and air conditioners. The food is excellent and safe, the staff are friendly and experienced with the needs of attendees at these programs.
For more information, please refer to the following links, which provide more detail on the strucure of the program and procedures for application. Certain limitations on diet and medication are necessary for those who will participate in the ayahuasca ceremonies. The application process will involve review of individual applicants’ needs and interests to ensure a safe and valuable experience for all attendees. US citizens will require a US Passport AND Brazilian Visa.
Program fee for the 13 day excursion is US$2,000.

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