Bern Seminar 24-25 March 2012
Scholarship Application Form

Scholarships to attend the Bern Seminar at reduced rates may be offered if space is available close to the program's start date. Scholarship applicants join a waiting list, and those who qualify (based on merit, service exchange agreement, and the proposed amount of payment) will be contacted as soon as possible but likely the week of March 12.

Scholarships will take the form of a reduced registration fee. No additional expenses can be covered. For example, transportation to and from the Bern, accomodations, meals, and any other expenses incurred by the attendee are not included. Applicants are advised to determine all transportation costs prior to applying for a scholarship.

Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Full name

Full email address (example:

Postal address

Phone Number

Have you participated in any of the past or current research experiments offered on TLI's website?

Yes     No
If yes, please tell us which experiments (e.g., Comparing Lucid and Non-Lucid Dream Content; The Best Sleep Posture for Lucid Dreaming; etc.).

If no, please contribute to the dream comparison study, prior to submitting this application form.

What books have you read on the subject of lucid dreaming?

Approximately how often do you remember your dreams?

Approximately how often do you have LUCID dreams? (i.e., dreams in which you know that you are dreaming)

What is your age and occupation?

What are the circumstances that require you to apply for a scholarship?

Please bear in mind that a scholarship award will cover only a portion of the registration fee ($240-275). Approximately, what is the maximum amount you would be able to pay toward the registration fee?

What are your estimated travel expenses?

What do you value about lucid dreaming?

Describe any service you are willing to offer in exchange for a scholarship (e.g., research data entry or analysis, web design, computer programming, videography, legal expertise, etc.) and include a URL or example of your service offer.

Please press "Submit Form" only once. The response page may take several moments to appear.


Last modified 20-feb-12